Monday, September 19, 2011


I used to be so into stills photography 3-4 years ago after I purchased by first DLSR, a Nikon D40. When I upgraded to a Nikon D90, I was so happy to play with the video component, I used to shoot a lot with it, taking it with me wherever possible. Even vacations turn out to be a little stressful because I always want to make sure I take good shots of stuff we do and places we go to.

But I kinda lost track of it for the past two years.

Similar to my illustration blog, this photoblog will be my attempt to get back into the hobby again. I realized that I still do take a lot of photos, most especially because it's involved in my line of work, but I need some quiet place to publish it so I can show it to other people, instead of looking through folders in my PC.

I'm also at the time of my life where a lot of things are starting to happen, and I want to make sure I document these things through photos.

My weapons this time around will be a Canon G12, my main walkabout cam, and iPhone 4, and a Canon 7D, my work cam.

To fill this blog up first, I'll be posting photos taken from the past year.